This month, we are releasing AutoTweetNG and Joocial 8.8 featuring Twitter news (tweets are back to 140 characters) and Medium channels support.

Twitter is back and it comes with friends

Initially, tweets had 140 characters, but Twitter changed this definition to count images and links as characters to reduce text length... Now, they are back to 140 as a way to simplify tweet writing (and our life!).

These improvements are included in the latest version released today. Stable versions are available now. Member Downloads

Medium - An online publishing platform

In this release, we are adding support for a new publishing platform to our content hub, Medium.
Medium - An online publishing platform

Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, and launched in August 2012.

The platform is an example of evolved social journalism, having a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people and publications, or exclusive blogs or publishers on Medium and is regularly regarded as a blog host.

AutoTweetNG Free, PRO and Joocial 8.8.0 are already available. Member Downloads

If you have any question or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our support team will be glad to help you.

To the moon!

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