Perfect Publisher ready for Twitter updates

You've probably received an email from Twitter in the last few days saying your app was suspended. No worries! This article explains all the changes Twitter has made and how to continue posting with Perfect Publisher.

With the release of version 2, Twitter has announced several changes to its API and access tiers over the last few weeks.

Until this update, Twitter's old API pricing plans had four legacy access plans with different features and pricing, including Essential, Elevated, Free, and Premium.

Twitter's new API pricing plans now include four new tiers: Free, Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. This change mainly affects the number of apps that can be created and the number of tweets that can be published.

Image Source: Twitter Website

Note that with the Free plan, you can continue to publish for free, limited to one app per account and 1500 tweets per month.

What these changes mean for users

The first effect users have felt when applying these changes is the suspension of apps created for API v1 until the user chooses the plan they want to be on.

Initially, choosing the plan was enough to continue using the API. With the full deployment of v2, creating a new app to continue publishing using the API is necessary.

To adjust to this update, we have released Perfect Publisher 9.11, which integrates these changes and continues to publish to Twitter flawlessly.



How to continue?

First, select your access level in the Twitter Developer Portal according to your publishing needs.

Then, delete the apps previously created for API v1, and create a new app, following the tutorial: How to auto-post from Joomla to Twitter.

Finally, upgrade to Perfect Publisher 9.11 and create a new Twitter v2 channel. Follow the steps in the tutorial, and you will be publishing from Joomla to Twitter in no time.





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