# Troubleshooting

# The search results show duplicated records, why?

Algolia limits the amount of text that can index in a record (10K - https://www.algolia.com/doc/faq/indexing/how-do-i-reduce-the-size-of-my-records/ (opens new window)). An error is generated if the request to index the record hits the limit.

The XT Search indexer has an internal parameter to restrict the text sent to Algolia. The record can have several text fields, and the sum is not greater than 10K. Consequently, if a content item has more than 10K, the indexer splits it into several records. These records appear as duplicated search results. To solve the issue, please, configure the search records de-duplication: Indexing Long Documents and Reducing Record Size (opens new window)

# 504 Gateway Time-out

The extension requires a connection to the Algolia servers to index the records of the site. In particular, the current API opens connections to:

  • algolia.com
  • algolia.io
  • algolia.net
  • algolianet.com

If the connection to external servers is restricted, then an error such as "Gateway Time-out" or connection error is received. To solve, the issue, please, ensure that your server can open a connection to the domains listed above.

# Class 'IntlDateFormatter' not found

The PHP installed on your server doesn't have the Internationalization Functions extension. Please, ask the hosting support to enable it on your site.

# Logging Mode: Developer's swiss army knife

The Logging Mode is a key tool to check the extension inner workings. It is a handy way to check component internals, beyond a simple error message.

You can enable the logging mode to leave a track of server-side operations.

To enable the Logging mode:

  • Access the Options menu, in Components/(Extension Name) Control Panel.
  • In the System settings tab,
  • Enable the: File Logging Level (For example, 3-All)

As a result, the extension is going to generate the xt-logging.log file with all operations details into logs/ directory. Please, check the file generated in logs/xt-logging.log or administrator/logs/xt-logging.log.

# Deprecated notices in the extension output

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break"
  • Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in ...

# Understanding Extension Notices

Sometimes, when using certain extensions, you might encounter notices about specific elements being deprecated. It's important to understand what these notices mean and how they affect your website.

# What are Deprecation Notices?

In simpler terms, a deprecation notice is like a heads-up from the extension. It's letting you know that certain parts of its code are not going to be supported in future versions of PHP, particularly PHP 8. These notices are not errors; they're just reminders for developers to pay attention to potential changes.

# Our Ongoing Work

Rest assured, our development team is actively working on the next version of the extension. This upcoming release will seamlessly integrate with PHP 8 and won't support older PHP versions. So, while you may see these notices now, they will not affect your website's functionality in the future.

# Managing Notices

For the time being, you can safely ignore these notices. However, if they bother you or clutter your development environment, you have the option to adjust your site's error reporting settings. These notices typically appear when your site is in development mode or when maximum error reporting is enabled.

When your site is live and serving visitors, we recommend setting the "Error Reporting" to "None". This ensures a clean and tidy user experience without exposing internal information or distracting users with unnecessary notices. Importantly, this configuration won't impact the functionality of your installed extensions.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain a smooth and efficient website experience for both developers and end-users alike.

Last Updated: 4/16/2024, 4:44:17 PM